Need prayer? We’re here for you.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
If you would please pray For my return to The LORD and that The LORD heal's my backsliding and my body of any and all ailments. In addition, if you would please pray that The LORD delivers me from any and all strongholds and bonadge of the enemy that I am under. Also, if you would pray that The LORD delivers and protects me from my enemies and that the attacks being perpetrated against me would cease. Please pray that any schemes that The Devil and my enemies are trying to instigate against me are exposed and fail. Please pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual and material needs and that The LORD restores me unto Himself like He did with The Apostle Peter; that He turns away my captivity like He did for Job, and blesses me like He did for Job. Please pray that The LORD guides me into all Truth and that He gives me the Grace and mercy to persevere and fight the good fight of Faith. Thank you and God bless you.
Received: December 19, 2022
Please help me ask the Lord to send a true Christian believer into Gene's life. He is a new believer in Christ, and just like a newborn baby, he needs someone to nurture him spiritually with the word of God, so that he may develop a closer relationship with the Lord. I also ask that God protect Gene from the evil in the world while he develops his spiritual muscles.
Received: November 3, 2022
Please pray for my husband's salvation, our marriage, and his deliverance from alcohol. "FATHER GOD, restore my marriage. Give him love, compassion, and kindness towards me, in Jesus' name." Thank you.
Received: October 28, 2022
Jason Clark
Hi my name is Jason and I am a teacher
Please pray for me for the strength to teach classes and to handle and manage them successfully this year and to have good relationships with people at work. Thanks
Received: October 23, 2022
Salvation for my husband Eric. May God soften his heart to Have a deep love and personal relationship with Jesus. May he be delivered by any bitterness and darkness. That he will give his life to Christ and be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Received: October 15, 2022
I have so many issues at the age of 71, I cannot take it inside and pressure, it's too much. Please pray for my son Dan to be financially independent and be prosperous, I have been praying for the past 13 years and nothing is working. Help Dan and his wife have a happy and successful marriage. Help Dan and his brother be very close and have a wonderful relationship. Help me do well in my work and prosper. Help our friends sell their house quickly, they are suffering