SOMETHING ELSE It’s election season. As Christians, how can we live out our Christian faith when we vote? Is it even possible? Let’s see what scripture has to say about it…   Prayer Holy God — our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer — guide us this morning by your...


GODS The Bible is a book about God. We might even say it’s a book that defines God and what it means to be in relationship with God. That makes the Bible sound like a dictionary, doesn’t it? And yet, I doubt anyone would really describe it that way. There’s simply too...

Practicing Scripture

This week, Dr. Kelly Blewett brings us a reflection on reading, or “practicing,” scripture for our Thursday devotional. I hope you all find it as meaningful and enjoyable as I did! Thank you, Kelly!   PRACTICING SCRIPTURE One of the most demanding...

Devotional – DEBTLESS

DEBTLESS They called him “Father Grande.” On hot, sweaty days, he would give kids lifts in his jeep through tall fields of sugarcane. Most of these rides were joyous moments of laughter shared among friends. One, however, wasn’t. Today’s devotional is the story of...

Devotional – FEASTING

FEASTING For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by the idea of the Bible as an actor. I don’t just want to know what the Bible is, I want to know what it does. How does the Bible work? What is God trying to do through it? How should it make me feel? I’ve...

Devotional – MANY

MANY Last week, we talked about what can be gained by sticking together, even when it means we might sometimes rub each other the wrong way. Togetherness, we said, goes to the heart of who we are as human beings. We need each other. We’re fundamentally social people....