Wyoming Baptist Blog

Thoughts and Happenings on Loving God & Neighbor
Devotional – RUBBER, MEET ROAD

Devotional – RUBBER, MEET ROAD

RUBBER, MEET ROAD It’s time to get down to brass tacks, the nitty-gritty, all the nuts and bolts. I’ve spent a lot of years wading through big books on theology. I love it. But, our faith is nothing if not timely and practical. That’s where the rubber meets the road,...

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Devotional – GRACE

We’ve all heard it before: There’s nothing new under the sun. Everything has its precedent. You can’t surprise history. The axiom itself comes from the Book of Ecclesiastes, but it’s virtually commonsense nowadays. In today’s devotional, I’d like us to see if we can’t...

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Devotional – KNOWN

Devotional – KNOWN

KNOWN It’s good to be back! Today’s devotional gets to the heart of the gospel and our human condition. It’s at the same time scary and wonderful. I pray it will also be encouraging. Let’s pray… Prayer Almighty, eternal, and life-giving God, be our guide and our...

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Devotional – DEMENTIA

Devotional – DEMENTIA

DEMENTIA In the last few years of my grandmother’s life, she experienced significant cognitive decline. She began to talk like she was back in the 1950s. Her memories of that time were sharp, but she couldn’t alway remember who I was. She stopped eating well and would...

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HAPPILY DEPENDENT Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day in our Season of Lent and a moment to reflect not simply on our mortality and our sinfulness, but on the joy of confessing — and living out — our utter dependence upon God. In today’s devotional, I invite you to...

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Devotional – STORY

Devotional – STORY

STORY Last Sunday, we began a sermon series focused on how we talk about our faith. Often, when a question like that pops up, the first place our minds go is to argument. We think first about how to defend our faith. We want to convince people it’s true. That’s no...

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Devotional – TOMORROW

Devotional – TOMORROW

TOMORROW It’s Wednesday morning, the day after the election. By the time you read this, maybe all the ballots will have been counted, and we’ll have a clear winner. Maybe not. All I know right now is that, when I’m stressed, I find it hard to pray. But, I also know...

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Devotional – THE TRIANGLE

Devotional – THE TRIANGLE

THE TRIANGLE Last week, I attended a virtual conference where we learned about conflict and various ways we could work through or within that conflict to transform and grow everyone involved. It was a wonderful couple of days of teaching, discussion, and role play. In...

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Devotional – FREEDOM

Devotional – FREEDOM

FREEDOM Let us come together today with a deep longing for the freedom that the Spirit brings — freedom to be the kind of people God made us to be, freedom to love the way God made us to love — and, in doing so, let us enjoy the light and peace of God as we bring that...

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Devotional – THE WAY

Devotional – THE WAY

THE WAY Did you know Christians didn’t always refer to themselves as “Christians”? Toward the end of the Book of Acts, the Apostle Paul tells us that in the earliest days of our history, we were called “The Way.” I like it. It’s dynamic. There’s movement there, built...

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Sunday Worship

Adult Sunday School  9:00 AM

Worship  10:30 AM

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